Links to Course Materials
Fact Sheets
Getting Started Documents for Software (Data Science)
Presentation Slides (Data Science)
Data Files and Jupyter Notebooks for Data Science Course Modules
Optional Readings, Tutorials, and Help Pages
Design Thinking
data science READINGS
Data Science Overviews, History, Skepticism
Data Privacy
How Companies Learn Your Secrets (Target store predictions)
"Anonymized" data really isn't -- and here's why not (Massachusetts health records)
Correlation and Causation
Data Visualization
Data Mining
Association rule learning (Wikipedia)
Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets (from Ullman textbook)
Network Analysis
Social Network Analysis (Wikipedia)
Analysis of Networks - Introduction (from Stanford course)
Networks, Crowds, and Markets (from Easley & Kleinberg textbook)
Unstructured Data
Text Mining (Wikipedia)
data science help
Google Sheets Help
Tableau Help
Jupyter Notebooks Background and Help
SQL Help
Python Background and Help
Python Packages Help
R Help
R versus Python